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  • We increased cold email response rate by 30%!!💪

    4 replies
    We recently saw the power of email marketing before we even officially launched our product! Introduced the product to 200+ potential customers → 29.4% replied. Replied back with our link and asked them to try it out → over 50% said yes. And some of them said they'd be our fans and sent us heartfelt reviews! There were three main points we focused on when sending the emails 1️⃣ Personalized message 🙆‍♂️ We wrote two parts of the email, one for everybody and one for each individual. We believe that in order to win the hearts and minds of our audience, it's essential to express our interest in them. → For example, how are their projects going, what did we like about their recent content, etc. 2️⃣ History management 📝 We kept a detailed record of everyone and checked it every time. - Key activity spaces: social media, personal websites, etc. - Problems we think we can help solve - The content of the emails we sent, etc. 3️⃣ Close, ongoing communication ❤️‍🔥 We wrote as if we were having a human-to-human conversation, not a business one. We always made sure to thank and support them, and we made sure to reply, even if it was a little late. Obviously, different situations call for different approaches, but I felt that this worked well for us in the early stages of the product. Let me know what you think and if you have any other tips! --- Our team is preparing for launch and I'm planning to post tips we've gained every day. You can see all the tips on the page below! https://slashpage.com/ph-launch-tips/k5r398nmn496mvwje7yz And if you liked the page above, please check out our teaser! It's for the product we will soon be launching.👇 https://www.producthunt.com/products/slashpage


    Elli Kim
    Nice one! I'm getting so many email pitches these days, so it's always nice to see the evidence that the sender has put some effort into personalizing it. And then I guess it comes down to consistency... so you sound like you're nailing it!
    @elli_kim That's great to hear!
    Mirena Vasileva
    This is great! Personalisation in both the subject line and the first sentence is SO important and underrated.
    @mirena_vasileva That's right, I think that part decides whether the recipient reads the mail or not!