We have a free newsletter called Cool Tools. Anyone wants to join the waitlist and promote for free?

Vinze Janxent Virgines
6 replies
Hi all! I run a newsletter called Cool Tools where we feature a cool new service each day. Past examples have included Linear, Arc, and Wrap. I figured a few founders here might be interested in having their startup featured. If so, fill out the form below to apply - it's completely free! https://airtable.com/appjDS7rtVk... Cheers! Vinze


Joep van den Bogaert
Sounds cool, how many subscribers do you have?
Vinze Janxent Virgines
@jopie we have a little over 80 subscribers. We're hoping we can reach more people and share more words about Cool Tools that they can add to their stack!
Shreya Gupta
Will check it out
Gurkaran Singh
Hey Vinze, what a cool initiative with Cool Tools! Promoting startups for free sounds like a win-win. Can't wait to see the featured services in your newsletter. Cheers to supporting the startup community!
Vinze Janxent Virgines
Thanks @thestarkster! Supporting Cool start-ups is a no-brainer. Excited to feature a lot more Cool Tools in the future. Cheers!