We are launching on Thursday! Any last-minute advice?

Mark Amouzgar
27 replies
Hey Product Hunt Community! πŸš€ We're launching on Nov 9th and need your quick tips for a killer debut! πŸŽ‰ Here's our coming soon page: https://www.producthunt.com/prod...


Hi! I answered a similar thread today here on PH. "" I would TOTALLY avoid paying for upvotes. I saw first-hand today: at least 5 or 6 people contacted me immediately after launch to ask whether I wanted to buy upvotes! Do not fall in the trap: Product Hunt knows how to detect voting rings and will penalize your launch if you do buy them! Play the game honestly and you'll be fine. A suggestion: interact intensively with people who comment on your product! I was surprised by how much the community is willing to give! ""
Mark Amouzgar
@gabriele_mazzola Congrats Gabrielle I saw your product and it's amazing, and thanks you for you advice πŸ˜ƒ
@mark_amouzgar Thank you Mark! I'm really glad you liked it!
Eliza Crescini
Excited for your launch, Mark! I'm rooting for you and your team! Just be prepared, have fun, and celebrate every win. Big or small!
Mark Amouzgar
@eliza_crescini Thanks for your kind words Eliza!πŸ˜ƒ
Alexandr Builov
πŸš€ Congratulations on your upcoming launch!
Mark Amouzgar
@builov84 Thanks dear Alexandr πŸ™Œ
Vu Nguyen
I would say avoid marketing jargon, stuff like "game-changer", "revolution".. add no value but wasting time for the reader. Stay simple, clear description, humanity, and some hilarious if possible. One of fantastic product launch recently is @Touring. Really good for reference.
Mark Amouzgar
@vunq Thanks for your advice! Yeah I saw their product that was amazing
Genevieve Lopez
Celebrate your hard work and success, regardless of the outcome. You've come a long way, and you should be proud of your journey.
Mark Amouzgar
@genevievelopez Thanks! Yes absolutely that's a great advice!
Olatz Urrutia
Be active, answer to people, support others, and work hard. Good luck!
Cedric Mathias
Just a small advice just keep your audience real and never spam for upvotes regarding your product, that's it All the best
Mark Amouzgar
@cedric_mathias Sure Cedric, Thanks for your advice!
Leon Novački
Good luck! Please come back to the community section after your launch and answer this question yourself. We are launching on the 13th so I'd like to hear your thoughts after your launch.
Shajedul Karim
stay loose but ready. make sure the team knows their roles for launch day. double-check tech. prep for q&a. let your audience know ahead of time. breathe. it’s just a step, not the whole journey. and remember, the real work starts after launch day. good luck!
Mark Amouzgar
@shajedulkarim_ Thanks for your advice!πŸ™Œ
Just be excited and empowered about the upcoming launch and your product. I think product launches are quite joyful :)
Mark Amouzgar
@nastassia_k Thanks for your kind words πŸ˜ƒ