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  • wakey-wakey!

    Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
    3 replies
    Fairytale view on how people see your brand: they're your #1 fans praising you in every community gulping down all content you produce referring you to anybody & everybody excited & incited by every little thing you do loving every detail & raving about your genius Real-life view on how people see your brand: clunky and difficult to understand undifferentiated and forgettable full of clichés and jargon lost in a sea of noise It's 100% your call if you're on team "fairytale" or team "real-life". But this ain't really a choice, ain't it? 🟡 Like this? Repost it to your network; your followers are gonna love it! The algo's an enigma; you probably won't see this account again, so don't forget to follow me @ Adrian M. Peticila 🟡 for daily branding lore.


    So, if it isn't a choice, then what is?
    Jasper Miles Hawkins
    I think wakey wakey is ultimately about your mindset each morning. You can choose gratitude and positivity to start your day, even if waking up itself isn't a choice. A conscious morning routine helps set the tone.
    Hannah Grace Sullivan
    Getting up early is half about discipline and half about having a compelling reason to rise. For me, it's the excitement of tackling my most important project first thing while my mind is fresh. Once you experience the boost in productivity and focus, early rising becomes an energizing choice rather than a chore. Pair it with a routine you look forward to (great coffee, inspiring content, a sunrise jog) and you may find your perspective shifting from obligation to opportunity.