Visionariness of large companies is limited by their size

Kacper Raubo
2 replies
Cars seem to be the most popular means of private transport today. Whereas there are lot of different brands out there, the majority of them produce vehicles that look the same. It partly comes from the limits that the market's regulations impose, and partly from the fact that at first extremely innovative solutions are not that comfortable like the ones people got accustomed to because require the people to learn how they work again. Hence, we comes to a paradox that the size of the companies and the number of people who use their products limit their visionariness because implementing such an innovation is risky and disturbs their sales results. And here is where startups have the edge. After implementing extremely weird innovation even just several customers is more than none, hence they are allowed to be innovative in such an extreme way.


Nicole Ogloza
What is the question though? would be happy to help, but don't see a place for discussion where I can help answer!
Kacper Raubo
@nicole_ogloza, the question is if you also see such a relationship between visionariness and a company size :)