Twitter's API $42,000/m for Business Now. Positive or negative for the environment? Alternatives? 🤔

8 replies
It's confirmed. The new Twitter API cost make it really complicated to pay for it (for most SaaS companies out there). Do you think this is going to remove low-quality content? Is this just a way to make small providers smaller? What are the real alternatives a SaaS company and its users have to this new change?


We could see one of those pull-back strategic movements by bringing this price down to an annual level. That would be a good anchor for the price. I don't know what Elon Musk is up to, though.
Think it's terrible - going to really limit the innovative products that come through on the platform. Only really a place for the big boys now...
@kai_s that’s what I was thinking too - and it could make buying things like Twitter blue worth it if it came with some proper tooling
@maxwellcdavis Agreed, this is going to cut innovation for Twitter products. I hope they can put some other better proposal on the table soon. Maybe he is trying to come up with his whole series of official Twitter related products? :thinking:
Uma Venugopal
Whoa! So Elon's like "If we can't get individual users to pay $7/month, let's break even with b2b".
@uma_venugopal After thinking of it for a while, the only thing that makes any sense would be that Twitter is trying to come up with official Twitter related products... Let's see how this all ends
Marko D.
I feel like it's definitely limiting and only the biggest companies in the market will manage to keep providing Twitter-related services. This is destructive for innovation, because small companies with big ideas will have it harder to get traction. The only alternatives I see are raising prices and a combination of smart-coding and removing unimportant features to limit API use. If that's impossible, than I'd say completely removing Twitter support is the way to go.
@marko_d_ Agreed, this is going to cut on innovation. Let's hope they can come out with a more reasonable solution