Twitter or Threads?

Anil Matcha
35 replies


Threads, to balance the poll. Don't let either of them become monopolies because they will screw/exploit you regardless.
I meant Twitter, for sure. But it elates me to see that Twitter is no longer alone in the field. Having competition can only benefit, and above all, it's a win-win situation for the users. :D
Nuno Reis
Both! Always both. It's a new network, start now and you can get some advantage down the road.
Gaurav Prasad
Twitter just for the people
I wrote an article on why Threads will beat Twitter. It is too long to post here but you can read it on LinkedIn:
Alasdair Gauld
It's still very early to say but you would be daft not to give Threads a try...
I am seeing lots of Twitter folks are posting their Thread's social media and ask people to follow them on Twitter. What is the different then? Same soup different pot.
Divine Rivers
As someone who never used Twitter much in his personal life, id say Threads. Its intergration with Instagram makes it very convenient to have a community from day 1 that you are interested in rather than to have to create a new one. IMO, Threads is a combo of Instagram and Twitter so how could Twitter be better? For Twitter users how what does Twitter have over Threads?
Matt Kealey
Twitter. I'm very eager to see the future of threads but twitter is so much better at community building.
Tomáš Blaťák
Still Twitter, in Europe we do not have access to Threads
Kevin Brendel
Twitter, because Threads is not available in the EU..and I am in the EU :D
Dennis Ashford
Too early to call. But Meta did a nice job with Threads so far. Surprised to see such a polished product on the initial rollout.