Tutorial or documentation - What do you prefer?

Priyanka Saini
25 replies


Marie-Philippe Leblanc
Tutorial with the documentation to refer back to! I know, I'm asking for a lot 😅
Nostec Lift
Tutorial is the best option.
Daniel Burns
I prefer tutorials because they include examples and exercises, making it easier to learn by doing. However, documentation is great for detailed, in-depth explanations and specifications.
Arthur Leclercq
Tutorial, interactive ones are great
Rupal Saini
Both are good; it depends on what I am looking to solve faster. Sometimes, when exploring a product, I do not need to understand its complete features but just the meaning of something specific within it, and in such cases, documentation works well. But, when I need to understand something completely, short and quick tutorials work best for me.
Tutorials are more fun and engaging, but comprehensive documentation is a lifesaver when you need specific information.
Dan O'Malley
I prefer video tutorials. But it's always nice to have the documentation if I need to reference something quickly.
Abhishek Gharat
Documentation is better when it's not so simple. Tutorial when things are simple. Interactive tutorials when things are UI centric. Does it make sense?
Corey Paquette
Tutorial for sure. I also prefer visual tutorials whenever possible.
My3 Murthy
Both- there are different types of learns- people who learn by reading & people who learn visually. Depends on what kind of learner you are. I think it also depends on what your product looks like
Both. They have different use cases.
Nitin Joshi
Should be both.
Walt Wu
Wow, I didn't realize there was such a big difference between the two! What do most product entry pages typically call it? Docs, Getting Started, or something else?
Elaine Lu
I prefer tutorials because they provide hands-on experience and practical examples that make learning more engaging. However, having comprehensive documentation as a reference is invaluable for deeper understanding and troubleshooting.
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I prefer a combination of both tutorials and documentation. Contentify can help users struggling with creating and scheduling engaging social media content. With AI agents that can generate visuals and captions, optimize SEO, and handle publishing, Contentify can streamline the content creation process and help maintain a consistent online presence. Try Contentify AI for Free here just look up Contentify AI
Yoki Yue
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I believe having both tutorials and documentation is essential. Tutorials provide hands-on experience and make learning more engaging, while comprehensive documentation serves as a valuable reference for deeper understanding and troubleshooting.
Rowe Morehouse
I prefer to read well-written, comprehensive docs.
Man Luu
I find that I understand the content better when I have it in written form, so I prefer to have documentation.
Moaz Ahmad
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Tutorial are easy to understand and people don't really have time to read entire documents and understand them too. But doing both would be perfect!