Turn your features into benefits

Hitha Boorla
1 reply
I've read this a couple of times now while learning about marketing. It's common for marketers to flaunt the features of a product, the capabilities and elements. But truly consumers will only care if they are beneficial for them. DocXter, the product I write for has a lot of features. Take multi-file upload for example, That's a feature. You can upload multiple files at a time and interact with them. But what is the benefit, why should a customer care? You upload multiple files at a time, you you don't have to upload one file at a time, you save time, you're less frustrated, you get your job done better. That's your benefit. Basically turn your feature into a benefit for the customer, this way they connect to the product because it relates to their life.


Bhhavesh Desalhey
Well said Hitha, really thoughtful, this will help alot of other people from community as well. 🫡