Tools and tricks to keep track of your work

Marcello Domenis
14 replies
Hi guys, as solopreneurs/small team do you use softwares to keep track of things to do, milestone etc.? Being a small number of people, it seems quite possible to keep everyone on track just by talk to each other. Tools might be redundant. But tracking work might help you plan and review. Anyway, I was curious on what's your approach


M Anees
I mostly use calendars and reminders for staying on top of deadlines.
Marcello Domenis
@m_anees1 do you work as solo or team?
thina samin
Every one should prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance. 🥰
Tegan Bradleys
I mostly use to-do list apps for managing tasks and deadlines. These are very helpful.
@tegan_bradleys how do you manage time lines w to do lists?
Donald Dude
It is very difficult to manage large tasks, so we should break down large projects into smaller, manageable steps.
Marcello Domenis
@donaldyyy do you introduce tools once the project outgrow of right from the start. I feel like at the beginning there is not much to break down
Freeman Laffey
Use project management software for complex projects and team collaboration.
Marcello, a great way to keep track of your work is by utilizing project management tools like Trello or Asana, which offer intuitive interfaces and flexibility. Additionally, incorporating daily or weekly reviews of your tasks can significantly enhance your productivity and ensure nothing slips through the cracks.
Business Marketing with Nika
Toggl or Clockify, Notes on Mac, Trello, Notion :)
Marienelle Cano
I am a bit old school, I use sticky notes on my desktop hahaha Sometimes I record myself audio and video, but doesnt want to listen nor watch hahahah