Today's my 90 days streak! Shooting for 365! Which streak count are you reaching for?
Iskandar Chacra
12 replies

Ghost Kitty@ghost-kitty-3943854
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I'm aiming for 500
Congrats! Iβve been really digging PH so Iβm aiming for a lifetime streak (whatever a lifetime means for a male in Kyiv, Ukraine right now π

10 would a good start. Lol.

@iskandarchacra I have downloaded the app but am having to use PH in a web browser.
It won't log me in on the app for some reason - according to support it's because I've changed my Twitter email address. It's odd that I can log in on a web browser though.
Not to worry. I'm staying strong. :-)
@silisolutionist youre more than halfway there! the trick is to download the mobile app π

Very impressive! I'm on 44 days as of now, reaching for as much as possible :)
Keep it up!
@harold_smith2 thanks Harold!