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  • Today is the day I'm feeling down. How do you cope with it?

    Gaurav verma
    13 replies
    Today is the day I'm feeling down. With the work you put in and the great marketing ideas you come up with, nothing gives you the appropriate return. There are some days when you see nothing ahead but a dead end. Today is that day for me. How do you cope in those days?


    Vali Lupoaie
    No matter what, don't give up Gaurav! Last week was the worst since I started working for myself. I was close to crying for a couple of days. So I can now come back with even more power and motivation. I'm sure everything will turn out to be good for you too! Best of luck!
    @valilus Great advice! What helped you to get out of your dark moment?
    Vali Lupoaie
    @santalo my team... Knowing that 14 depend on my commitment gave me enough motivation to stand up, stop complaining and keep working towards our goals.
    Julia Putzeys
    Know that it’s all part of the process and just ride the highs and lows. You’ve got this!
    First and foremost normalise and validate feeling disappointed and feeling down. It's normal to feel that way in the given situation. Anyone in your position who invested time and energy and didn't get expected results would likely feel like you. 2nd, try not to assign any meaning to the outcome. What I mean with this is don't start to question your ability or worthiness etc. Sometimes things just don't work. Some strategies aren`t suitable for certain projects or companies. Sometimes we just need trial and error to figure out what the right path is. You probably have heard the famous saying of Edison “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”. Try to adopt this mindset. Failure is part of growth. However if you feel you start beating yourself up about this, it is highly recommended to address your limiting beliefs around this issue. Chances are, it's not even your own voice playing in your mind, it´s somebody else's who made you so self critical in the first place. In this case, just acknowledge that it's not serving you and it's time to release it. 3rd, Take a look at your results and try to objectively see what went wrong. Involve someone with a fresh perspective if you have to. Or take some time off from those campaigns and come back with fresh eyes yourself. Try to pinpoint the weak link and brainstorm on ways to improve. Last but not least, engage in whatever activities that lift you up. Talk to someone, go for a walk, listen to music, take a refreshing shower, watch a comedy, cuddle with someone you love, read quotes or books that inspire you etc. Release the tension from your mind and body. I hope those tips help you shift something and that you soon find yourself in a better situation. 🌞
    Yassin Bouacherine
    When I am feeling down, I simply take a break and do something else more relaxing and I would simply sleep much earlier (very important!) The next day, I am usually pumped about challenging what is making me feel that way, a change of perspective because reality is probably telling me otherwise. When you get beat down, just picture life hitting on you really hard for not seeing beyond your own belief. We tend to think we got the perfect plan until it's proven the contrary. That hurts, but take it as a learning curve and you should believe in yourself that you will figure this out. If there is one thing you should keep in mind... if you don't believe in yourself, who will? Determination, discipline, and patience are key, particularly when things aren't going your way. Also, You got to have your fighting spirit at an all-time high when things are getting very ugly. That would be proof that you truly believe in your product helping people facing major issues. When will you get there? Nobody knows, but certainly in the future. You will also be excited to know that you haven't reached the top yet, and you can still become a better version of yourself. As you can see, the ego plays a huge part in it, and it's not helping when your surrounding is expecting you to one-shot every attempt you do in everything you tackle. That's not realistic at all when the greatest on this planet have failed a lot before getting successful. They are not helping you and you should keep things for yourself and just keep pushing. You might as well suffer from imposter syndrome and that would make it just worse! ;D Again, it's all about life testing you but also helping you grow and see yourself and the world with a new eye. With time, I learned to detach myself from my own project, keeping some distance helped on not just have my ego driving me insane. My mindset is now more based on consistency and doing what seems right within my capacity to provide the best possible outcome. I do not plan over a week or two, maximum. And that includes only tasks I can achieve alone. I stopped having expectations when it comes to others for any appropriate returns. The only expectation I set is the tasks I can do myself from A to Z. In this context, the one to blame is myself and I think that's much healthier that way. Cheers and don't give up!
    Clement Surry
    Take a break, sleep over it and get a fresh perspective
    Baishali Chhabra
    Don't worry, it's not the end of the world. And you're definitely not alone. There are going to be days when everything goes wrong - no one is immune to that! However, what matters most is how you handle those tough times. When things start going south, make sure to pull yourself together and regroup. Take some time for self-care by relaxing and focusing on positive thoughts. This can include taking walks or reading your favorite book; alternatively, work on developing new marketing ideas that will help offset your recent setbacks. In other words, never give up hope!
    Angeli Zhao
    Flamme AI - The Couples App
    Statistically, an average US adult will wake up feeling down around 300 times a year. No matter what, don't give up and know there are others going through the same, you are not alone.