Today is Friday, how will you spend your weekend?

33 replies
My team and I will rest a little before launching our project. Don't forget to click the "Notify me" button ๐Ÿ˜


Watching Peaky Blinders all weekends๏ผ
@sylvia_sheng I'm already thinking about watching it, everyone advises me ๐Ÿค”
@gipetto Yess Absolutely u wonโ€˜t regret that๏ผ
Fred QI
Probably just stick to the platform since we just launched soemthing new today : Just followed you and looking forward to your product!
Fred QI
@gipetto Thanks Petto, looking forward to your incoming product!
@frederick_qi1 Upvoted, good luck ๐Ÿš€
Wiktoria Kuni
thinking about my next week launch ๐Ÿคญ
Fred QI
@wiktoria_kuni Hey Wiktoria, just followed you! We have just launched our MVP today (, let's keep it up together!
@wiktoria_kuni Notified! Good luck with your launch
Neel Patel
prepping for the big launch next week! Help support if you can :)
@neelptl2602 I'm already subscribed to you launch :) I'm looking forward to it, you have a really cool idea
Xavier JJ
Have a good rest Petto! Good luck for TooFan on Dec 5!
@xavier_jj thanks, have a good weekend too!
Vincent Xu
I'm planning to catch up on some much needed rest and relaxation this weekend. As for your product launch, my advice would be to really focus on your target audience and make sure your messaging speaks directly to their needs and pain points. And don't forget to leverage social media and other marketing channels to get the word out! Best of luck with your launch, can't wait to see what you've been working on."
@cen_xu Thanks for advice ๐Ÿซถ Have a nice weekend!
Kajal d4
Notified, preparing for the launch which is now scheduled on next week Tuesday
@kajal_d4 Notified! I see that your product has a large fan base. How did you do it, if it's not a secret?๐Ÿคž
Rohit Joshi
This weekend is working weekend, launching our new product on upcoming Tuesday, lots of things to do now. anyways it's Notified and all the very best for your launch.
@rohitjoshi Notified, good luck you too!
Igor Lysenko
I want to spend time with my family, I work at the same time and when the family wants to go somewhere I go. I'm a workaholic but family is very important.
@ixord I agree with you, as I have already told others above, we should all always spend more time with our loved ones
Khagani Bayramov
I will be busy with the launch during the weekend :)
Lakshya Singh
Notified! Me and my team are working on the data for our deals platform we are going to launch next week! Please follow if anyone is looking for support on their product!
Stephan Minos
Looking forward to your product launch! Much support to you and your team.
Weekend vibes! ๐ŸŽ‰ Resting up for the big launch sounds like the perfect Friday plan. Clicked that "Notify me" buttonโ€”I'm ready for the project rollercoaster! ๐Ÿ‘€
Jao Japitana
Since this will the the 2nd to the last Friday before the big launch, I think it will be more on doubling down on marketing :-)
Mansi Trivedi
So, it's a world cup finals for India, so my weekend is set! ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ’œ
Kamil Riddle
notified Petto And I will ready to myself to the next project.
Saturday I'll try to live using only my left hand, Sunday I'll use my right.
Only with my family.