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  • Tips for techniques to maintain focus and productivity while working remotely

    Fatma Daşman
    11 replies
    From setting up a workspace to managing time effectively, your tips could really help others working remotely!


    Henry Habib
    Set up a dedicated spot at home just for work and try to stick to the same work hours each day.
    Fatma Daşman
    @henry_habib Yes, I do that, but sometimes it's really hard to concentrate at home 😖
    Milli Sen
    I use Trello for project management and Slack for communication. Also work in 90 mins blocks.
    Work timers! Very helpful
    Julia Engelsmann
    I often use the Pomodoro tactic and can highly recommend it.
    Fatma Daşman
    @julia_engelsmann I often hear about it, but I haven't had a chance to try it yet. Thank you!
    Karen Swyszcz
    Phone on DND/silent or put your phone in a different room altogether. Lol.
    Otis Wu
    A proven technique for maintaining focus and productivity while working remotely is the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working in short, intense bursts followed by brief breaks. Additionally, setting clear boundaries between work and personal life can significantly enhance your concentration and overall work efficiency.
    Creating a dedicated workspace and setting strict boundaries between work and personal life can significantly enhance focus and productivity. Additionally, incorporating short, regular breaks into your schedule helps maintain mental freshness and prevents burnout.
    Erin Gusty
    I'm a big fan of task lists - start from the top and work your way down. It's easy for me to lose focus if I try to work on multiple things at once, but if I can power through one task at a time, I find I'm able to accomplish a lot more and stay organized in my workflow!
    Erin Gusty
    Oh also - daily standups even if it's just with yourself! My cofounder and I are bootstrapping our biz, and even though we don't have employees, we start every day by sharing 3 items we want to get done that day. It helps us stay accountable and make small progress daily.