Three areas startups spend most money & time on when it comes to Analytics.

Hoshang Mehta
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Three areas where data teams in growing companies spend most money & time on: 1. Setting up & maintaining a data warehouse. 2. Building ETL pipelines to bring data into one place. 3. Onboarding & training on various analytics tools for different teams. These 3 things usually cost anywhere between $8K - $55K per month. We're building a solution to solve for this at a fraction of the cost. A full-stack collaborative data workspace for growing companies. Native connectors to bring data from apps like Salesforce, GA, HubSpot, Stripe and other 150+ sources into one managed warehouse (on us!) Data teams can use SQL/Python; Business teams can use no-code or spreadsheets. Built with collaboration, versioning and accessibility in mind. Would love to have feedback -
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