Thoughts on GA 4 as marketers?

Megha Poojari
2 replies
I honestly will miss universal analytics. GA4 is a task!


Sven Radavics
intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
GA4 drives me crazy. Apparently it under reports traffic by up to 50%. I've also noticed it randomly goes down for days at a time showing no visitors for a couple of days before it 'catches up'. I only haven't moved off it because I haven't had the time to research the alternatives.
Steven Birchall
I've been hanging on to Universal Analytics as our primary analytics tool for as long as possible, simply because as others have said, it has less 'surprises' around the reporting. I will eventually make the jump full time to GA4, though hoping Google sorts out a few things between now and July 1. One thing I do like about GA4 however is what you can track with events. In UA, any custom events you create have to fit everything into the Category / Action / Label / Value structure, which sometimes can be limiting, versus with GA4, you can add as many parameters as you want to an Event and name them as they suite you. This definitely gives a lot more power around the reports you can create.