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  • The Tribato Project -- Make life beautiful

    Gus Sachdev
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    My observation, do you see it too? Loneliness and Isolation is a pandemic that is being ignored. It’s surprising that the most connected generation, the Millennials and Gen Z feel the most lonely!! The Gig economy is making this problem worse. Loneliness and isolation leads to depression and our society needs help. Does it have to be this way? We know there are societies around the world that seems to live long and happy lives. What is their secret? You would think winning the $100M PowerBall is the answer, but research has shown us otherwise (I don't believe it, I need too win this to be sure). I spend over a year researching the problem and was most intrigued by the people of 'Okinawa'. If you ask anyone in Okinawa why they live so long and fulfilling lives, you will doubtlessly hear two words: Ikigai and Moai Ikigai means: Sense of purpose Moai means: Your tribe Am I crazy to take on this project? The Tribato project is an online-offline app that helps people connect & gain a sense of belonging (Moai) that begin their journey to explore their passions and find a sense of purpose (Ikigai) I have written a Playbook on how I plan to implement this project, I am also few weeks away from a beta launch. I would love to share this Playbook with the community for feedback/guidance. I guess the thing to do is to subscribe to my Ship page and I will send you the playbook - https://www.producthunt.com/upcoming/tribato , I will also send you an invite when the beta is ready I have a feeling you will enjoy the read...here is an extract: Human beings have always lived in Tribes. We have an emotional need to belong and be an accepted member of a group. This desire is so universal that the need to belong is found across all cultures and different types of people. As the population moved closer together and moved into cities, the tribe culture that provided this sense of belonging was lost …..but that desire to belong remains
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