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  • the heart of a great product is its user experience (ux):

    Shajedul Karim
    20 replies
    in the rush to add features and innovate, it’s easy to overlook how users actually interact with our products. great ux isn’t just about looks, it’s about feeling, ease of use, and intuition. it’s the little things in ux that often make the biggest difference. a smooth onboarding process, clear navigation, or even just a pleasing color scheme can elevate a product. i've seen products here on product hunt thrive because they nailed their ux, making their users’ lives simpler and more enjoyable. so, as you develop and refine your product, keep ux in the forefront. it’s what connects your product to your users in a meaningful way. what are some ux elements you think are crucial for a great product? any favorite examples of excellent ux here on product hunt?


    Chalie Clark
    Crucial UX elements for a great product include seamless onboarding, clear navigation, intuitive interactions, and a pleasing design. Examples of excellent UX on Product Hunt include Slack for its user-friendly interface and Notion for its intuitive and collaborative features.
    Abdal Yousef
    Jaeves: Content & Marketing AI Copilot
    Jaeves: Content & Marketing AI Copilot
    Absolutely, UX is key! It's the seamless, intuitive experience that truly connects users to a product. Spot on!
    Mertcan Esmergül
    yep, as I designer I agree strongly!
    At the heart of a great product is the value it brings users. The UX is an important part of it though. You can sacrifice on UX if you bring value, but you can not sacrifice value with good UX.. No value, no customers. Humbly, just my thoughts
    Faiza Jamil
    agree but its 50% , Brain of Great Product is Good for User Best fo all Search Engine
    My favorite UX elements are interactive elements, to add visual movement to the page. Like a unique scrolling section or a button that enlarges when you hover
    zuhaib ashfaq
    As a UX Practitioner, I totally agree. For me, to make a product top-notch, you need to focus on service design as well rather than just making app usable. The more inclusive journey for the user, the better!
    That's a great question, and I'm curious to hear people's answers.