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  • The average knowledge worker uses approximately 30 apps per day 😳. What's yours?

    Lisa Steingold
    4 replies
    The average knowledge worker uses approximately 30 apps per day and will context-switch close to 3,000 in a single day, according to Harvard Business Review. What's the No 1 app you can't live without for work?


    Gurkaran Singh
    If my work app arsenal were a superhero team, my number one sidekick would definitely be Slack – the master of workplace communication! What about you? Which app saves your workday like a digital superhero?
    Marie-Philippe Leblanc
    For me it's definitely figma!
    Peter Hansen
    I would be critical to believe these numbers. I think I use a lot, and I count 8, and I could probably add 2 more in sporadic use. I'd like to read the article; please provide the reference.
    I must be below average, then :) I use: 1. Google Chrome - Gmail, X, LLM access (ChatGPT, Pi.Ai, etc.) 2. VS Code - code review, development 3. Terminal - dev ops access to remote Linux servers 4. Zoom - meetings, standups 5. Whatapp - people who won't use anything else to talk! 6. Spotify - background music