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  • The AI Rush on Product Hunt: Boom or Bubble?

    Max Yamp
    13 replies
    Hey there Product Hunters! In recent times, it's hard not to notice the surge of AI-related products hitting the Product Hunt front page. From AI-powered content generators to sophisticated chatbots and predictive analytics tools, it seems like we're in the midst of an AI revolution! It's undoubtedly an exciting time. The potential of AI to reshape industries and day-to-day life is staggering - we're talking about everything from healthcare diagnostics to personalized shopping experiences and even smart homes. However, this rapid influx of AI products also raises a few thought-provoking questions. Is this rush of AI products a sign of a sustainable boom in tech innovation or could we be heading towards an AI bubble? And more importantly, are these AI products truly delivering on their promises or are they riding on the hype wave of AI? In the midst of this AI rush, what are the standout AI products you've discovered here on Product Hunt? Which ones have genuinely improved your productivity, or perhaps, changed your life in some way?


    Deborah Nelson
    The surge of AI products on Product Hunt is both indicative of a sustainable boom in tech innovation and the possibility of an AI bubble. While some AI products deliver on their promises and genuinely improve productivity, others ride the hype wave without delivering substantial value. It's crucial to assess each AI product individually to determine its true impact.
    Nuno Reis
    I'd say every bubble that burst leaves water on the ground. So it may very well be a bubble due to the amount of "AI startups" but I think in the end, the ones with real use cases to help solve problems may very well remain after the burst.
    Hazel Lim
    Founder of NarratedTours.com, one such AI-related product and writer at What The Hype - a newsletter that breaks down hype (https://whatthehype.beehiiv.com) My 2 cents - Yes, there is a huge surge in AI-related products. We see that here on Product Hunt. We also see this on project sale platforms like Acquire.com (yes, people are already exiting) What's clear is the level of interest in AI, and that it captured people's imagination on what's "possible" in the future. And IMHO this is at a scale a magnitude above NFTs, AR / VR. At this point, no one knows where it's heading. Half of the products you see in the market are the result of founders experimenting and testing the waters. Some will accidentally find PMF. Some will die or be made redundant by the next OpenAI update, and it's all part of the process. For founders, shoot your shot and enjoy the learning process. For users, make your favourite tools part of your workflow, but expect your favourites to evolve in the next 12 months.
    Marie Green
    The AI Rush on Product Hunt can be seen as a boom rather than a bubble, as it represents a growing interest and investment in artificial intelligence technologies, fostering innovation and driving advancements across various industries. However, cautious evaluation and responsible implementation of AI solutions are crucial to avoid potential pitfalls and ensure long-term sustainability.
    Roberto Gómez - Scalar.so
    Not just in PH, everywhere. And a little bit of both, i would say
    Oh, AI is just like bubble wrap. It's popping up everywhere! But in all seriousness, let's hope this AI rush isn't just a bubble and that these products can deliver on their promises!
    Othmane Khadri
    I wasn't born yet but I read a ton of books and articles about the dot-com bubble. Sharp and deep breakthrough innovations always have this impact on the market . The gold rush at its paroxysm, however, I do believe that AI will just be integrated everywhere, it's the facility of access that made it all over ProductHunt. In 1-2 year, we'll just stop mentioning AI just like we no longer mention the Internet for every product on the web... @yampolskymax
    Renat Abyasov
    @yampolskymax @othmane_khadri An interesting thought. Indeed, now "AI" is more like a fashionable prefix to any product.
    Carl Brook
    AI isn't going anywhere! it's part of the internet now. 😁
    AI is the hope that eventually can change the user habits, more optimistic
    Shawn Cao
    AI is part of API - going to be integrated with every software, especially the user interface, for sure.