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  • The 10 best ways to make your business fail (with a twist). Read at your own risk 😅

    Amine Aouragh
    0 replies
    Here are the 10 best ways to make your business fail: 1- Don't do marketing: If you build it, they will come 2- Focus on making your landing page perfect: if they love your design, customers will buy from you 3- Target everybody: the more people you target, the more money you can make 4 - You're a professional: use buzzwords over simple words to impress people. 5- Don't do SEO: you are just going to waste your time on it. They say that it will make you money on the long run but that's not what you should aim. Make Money Now. Read the full original post here: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/amineaouragh_they-share-with-you-the-10-best-ways-to-make-activity-7044399834836934657-SQhj?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop And happy failing your business 😁
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