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  • Tell me 2 truths & 1 lie about your product/maker journey and we will guess the lie

    Nishith from True Sparrow
    20 replies
    Let's get to know each other's product journeys. Here are the rules: * Give your product name/website * Write 3 statements - 2 truths & 1 lie about your product or maker journey * We will guess which is the lie


    Cory Crapes
    Product: RAEK https://www.raekdata.com/ 1. RAEK is launching on PH on 2/23/22 2. RAEK's maker journey started right before COVID hit in 2020 3. RAEK's Co-Founders can both juggle.
    Cory Crapes
    @nishith_shah I wish 2 was the lie, but you're correct. I need to learn how to juggle. lol
    Nishith from True Sparrow
    @cory_crapes yay! excited for your launch. I don't think you are going to lie about that. :) So my guess is the juggling thing is a lie. If not, you will have to post a video of you juggling. 😂
    Nishith from True Sparrow
    @cory_crapes Got it! I'm great with juggling - tasks and priorities - NOT tossing things around in the air and catching. 😂
    Nishith from True Sparrow
    I’ll go first. Product: Thursday https://thursday.social/ 1. Our first iteration was a watercooler chat app 2. Figma’s moving cursors inspired us to create the lounge 3. We have over 1000 paid customers
    Nishith from True Sparrow
    @enola_vedovotto the 3rd one is a lie. We just have under 10 paid customers. A long way to go, but we are going to get there! 🤞
    Nishith from True Sparrow
    @enola_vedovotto hmm.. that's a possibility. Let me wait for an hour more, and then reveal it. 😁
    Product : Verticalls https://www.verticalls.ai 1. Our first domain was the event 2. We dedicate ourselves exclusively to sales now 3. We are a small team of 5 people
    Deepa from True Sparrow
    @enola_vedovotto I think the first one is a lie. You are in sales and seems like a tight knit team. Am I right?
    Nishith from True Sparrow
    @enola_vedovotto hmm.. I think #2 is a lie. I see a use case for Verticalls for a lot of other functions beyond just sales - product management being one of them.
    @nishith_shah Exactly! Our core target are sales people but the tool adapts to a lot of business in the company (marketing, human resources...)
    @shahdeepa The company Goomeo that produces Verticalls specialized before the pandemic in the production of BtoB software and applications. Since March 2019, it has shifted its focus to B2B videoconferencing. And yes we are a small team of 5 people!
    Carsten Pleiser
    I'll go next: 1. I've fished for pearls & worked on a banana farm before working in tech 2. While I was a personal trainer, I worked with a NY Rangers hall-of-fame ice hockey player 3. I coded the first version of Paperless.io Over to you, which one is a lie?
    Nishith from True Sparrow
    @ckpleiser oh boy, this is getting very interesting. I thought you were in marketing. And it is possible that paperless' first version was manually stitched together. So maybe no code. Yeah, i will go with #3 as your lie. But if 1 & 2 are true, I'm itching to know more. Both of these are totally bizarre.
    Carsten Pleiser
    @nishith_shah Haha, I am in marketing ;) and you are totally right about #3.
    Nishith from True Sparrow
    @ckpleiser Gotcha! But hey, you can't leave us hanging. For starters, did you ever find any pearls?
    Umana Rafiq
    Product: Tixio https://tixio.io/ 1. Our plan is to convert this product that can give people insights/statistics on their product or website usage 2. We have been planning for this product for 3 years now 3. We have 500+ paid customers