Superapp Potential Taking a Hit

Daniel Moutouss
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Throughout 2023, we've witnessed major shifts in the business models, strategies, and pricing for popular social apps like WhatsApp and Twitter. Unfortunately, these changes seem to be steering them away from becoming superapps. Superapps are often a win for users – they offer less friction, greater accessibility, simplicity and one app download less. While they pose challenges for developers who build on top of them, as they must adhere to strict ToS, can't collect data, and ultimately depend on the platform. Despite these downsides, users enjoy the convenience superapps offer and it's usually easier to attract them. The direction Twitter and WhatsApp are taking appears to be transforming them into lackluster advertising platforms, which tend to push smaller businesses and innovators aside in favor of big corporate marketing departments. While I understand the need for profitability, this approach feels like a short-term fix to please investors. Setting up Recapit using the WhatsApp API has been a struggle for my colleagues and I. Everything from the dashboard to support and billing has been a nightmare – surprising for a multibillion-dollar company that seems to be run by a handful of inexperienced entrepreneurs. So, what's your take? Are you pro or anti-superapp? Do you believe these changes will ultimately benefit these platforms in the long run?
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