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  • Subscription or Perpetual ?

    Simona O'Neill
    5 replies
    Which licensing model do you prefer when purchasing software? I personally always go for a subscription basis. Purely for the cash flow purposes but also the flexibility to cancel if I no longer need it. But, how about when selling software? Is your view still the same? Would you rather collect lots of cash upfront or have steady revenue each month?


    Totally agree for subscription based, mainly for the same reasons of cancellation ability and usage. I will opt for perpetual if I think it's a very good deal and there isn't much downside for not needing the software later. For selling, if I could only choose one it would be subscription for the long term revenue probability. However, if both could be offered at the same time, I would offer a good discount on the perpetual for a limited time. It would depend on the software and the amount of future updates or effort involved in its upkeep.
    @simona_o_neill3 I forgot to ask last thread, did you use screen recording software or were you looking for an app with those capabilities?
    Simona O'Neill
    @reconcatlord yes I use our own tool at the moment which is VideoCom Capture , but my team are building a new product which will have lots of the capabilities I am looking for. I was just wondering what features other people care about and how often do they use it 😊
    @simona_o_neill3 Well I am always looking for productivity or automation tools, anything that makes things a little easier....and fun. 😊