Started being active a month ago & got 300+ followers in PHπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ Thank You everyone!πŸ™πŸ»

Hashir Ahmed
35 replies


Jacopo Tallini
Congrats! Would you suggest some best pratices?
Aaron Morris
Congratulations Hashir!
Kuba Gaj
Will you share your strategy & tactics, what exactly were you doing to achieve that? :)
Hashir Ahmed
@qbagaj Thank you for asking! It was simple... Consistency. Strategies and tactics come with consistency.
Kuba Gaj
@hashirahmed, but was it mostly commenting launches? Starting new discussions? Engaging in somebody's else discussions? :)
Daniel Zaitzow
@hashirahmed @qbagaj Yea I'd love a little more insight here. Starting to get the hang of it at day 9 of actually actively engaging but any additional help would be welcome!
Congrats. How did you do it? We just launched and it looks like unless you pay PH for Ads you get left behind. Any tips?
Hashir Ahmed
@leo_from_london Just create a fantastic product, build a community, leverage your network, choose the right time, and engage with the Product Hunt community. Keep promoting even after launch. Good luck!
Congrats Hashir!! How much time do you spend on PH daily? just out of curiousity haha
Hashir Ahmed
@andreawang Who needs a life outside of it, right? πŸ˜„
Robert Mao
You now have one more!
Bryan McAnulty
Congrats! Would you attribute it to mostly from engaging in the community here, or from outside promotion as well?
Hashir Ahmed
@bryanmcanulty Thank you! I believe it can be attributed to a combination of both engaging in the community here and outside promotion.
Oleg Eltsov
Great work! Congrats.
Sarvpriy Arya
what did you do basically? what was the routine?
Hashir Ahmed
@sarvpriy_arya just being active on PH, starting discussions, taking part in other people's conversations, maintaining a streak if you can (I lost mint at 68), upvoting and commenting
Alex Petruchio
Amazing result, bro!
Davide Camera
next step 1,000 :)
Grace Bulman
Congratulations, Hashir!
Congrats, I recently got my Bronze badge too!
Edward G
That's awesome congratulations!