Spread too thin? Some tips. What advice do you have for marketers?

Todd Jensen
2 replies
While having lunch with an awesome friend I was reminded... Almost all marketers are plagued with this life-sucking condition. So, if you're in marketing, I’m 99% sure you struggle with being spread too thin. We're juggling too many critical projects. So, we end up doing C-grade work all over the place. Meaning, other people don’t get to see our best work. We used to be the most creative person in almost any given room. But now, on some days we can’t articulate a catchy email subject line if our job depended on it. And it kind of does. If you're spread too thin consider the following: - No. The word “No” is your best friend. Use it more. Too bold? Try, “Not yet.” Still too bold? Try, "Is it the worst thing in the world if we revisit this in 2 weeks?" - Doubling. Start doubling your time estimates. - Honesty. Candidly admit when you estimated wrong and request more time. Most timelines are negotiable. Most people are cool. To my marketing friends - what am I missing? What would you add? How do you prevent or deal with being overloaded?


Carmela Padasas
Ughhh thanks for this Todd. Been answering feedback lately and giving suggestions. I will add: appropriate profiling Using my time blocks and energy efficiently