Some non-famous social networking sites

Aashi Sk
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About networking sites Networking sites are those websites where you can log in to interact and socialize with other users, these are also called social sites. Unlike regular sites, here you are made aware of the presence of other users and in fact, are promoted to interact with them. This is the key selling point of these sites, the social interaction that you can achieve using them. These sites usually do better than other sites in terms of traffic as it works on the basic nature of humans to socialize, it breaks the monotony of the internet and brings out its true nature, after all, the internet is nothing but an interconnected web of users. That is why sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have millions and billions of users. Unlike in real life, connecting on the internet is very easy, you can communicate with a stranger without hesitation or repercussions that would usually arise in the physical world. Social networking sites are entertaining to use as they keep bringing a human touch to their user interface, logging in and networking on them feels like second nature to us, they had grown leaps and bounds since the last decade before it was primarily texts that connected us, but now other media forms such as videos and photos are becoming more common. And it is very obvious to us that the lack of physical presence or touch is no longer a factor for a deep bond to develop, people can connect on a very intimate and profound level with just the use of text, with the evergoing rise of globalization, social media sites are the best tool to aid the process. But in recent times a lot of big social media sites have faced backlash due to corporate greed and betrayal of trust of their users, recently Facebook faced backlash from its users for the lack of transparency of how it used its user data and sensitive information. Even YouTube, which is primarily a video streaming site, faced a lot of flak over the growing number of ads on its videos. That is why many users are switching to smaller and lesser-known networking sites that provide better services and think about their user’s digital safety and well-being. Here is a list of some of the non-famous networking websites that you can switch to if you are tired of the big ones. Some of the non-famous networking websites : 1) 9-gag This is primarily a media consumption site where people share a lot of memes and category-related content, it has a healthy community that bonds over several topics. You can comment on the memes/pictures shared on the site/app and also partake in the community discussion board. Although it is not very famous it has quite a strong user base with around 100 million users a month. 2) Badoo This website has its origins in 2006 in London by a small group of young programmers who envisioned a global socializing system focused on dating and making romantic connections. You can connect with different people and bring a new angle to your dating life. The site has more security than some of the famous dating apps and sites and brings an authenticity that is yet to be matched. 3) SocialSarai Social Sarai ( is a multi-faceted dynamic site made by Shoora Vagmines, a software development firm based in Delhi. This social networking site is a mix of social and professional connections. You can create your profile and use the site as a normal social site, and you can also make use of numerous affiliate schemes offered by the site to make points and then exchange those points for some marvelous deals with some big brands such as Myntra, Flipkart, etc. 4) A unique way to find your long-lost friends, this site allows you to connect with the friends that you made from your preschool, kindergarten or school. This is a great way to check up on someone that shifted out of station or to another country. 5) DeviantArt This amazing website is a mix of wallpaper gallery sites and a social hub for artists and art enthusiasts. Digital artists share their work for opinions and sometimes even put it up for sale. It is a great place for digital artists to make contacts and connect with the industry on a global level.
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