Solopreneurs, do you have a strategy for growing your product hunt account? If so, which one?

Luc Fernandez
13 replies


leaving critical feedback that makes sense. Half of pH seems to be run by random AI tools that leave random comments
Mathis Vella
commenting, upvoting, launching products...
Luc Fernandez
@mathis_vella Interesting! Do you use any tool to track your profile Product Hunt stats?
@luc_fernandez @mathis_vella I would also be interested in having some tool that can help with this. If anyone knows, please do tell! Otherwise... this is a market gap! :D
Elena Tsemirava
My strategy is to devote at least half an hour every day to PH. That is, constancy.
Luc Fernandez
@elenat You're right, consistency is key! Do you use any tool to track your Product Hunt's profil stats?
Anthony Sellitto
I need to post, reply, and follow.
André J
Launching soon!
Just be authentic. Care about stuff you actually care about.
engaging & adding value 🤠