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  • Single Sign On Feature - MUST BE FREE

    Nir V
    4 replies
    Why SSO features require enterprise subscription with every other product? In most cases, I don't need the enterprise features EXCEPT the SSO, which is not the core business of the products I need. What are you doing about this? If this is an enterprise feature, I'd be happy to know why it is (beyond the obvious and annoying reason --> $$$). EDIT: here is an interesting link with the SSO wall of shame https://sso.tax/


    Eran Medan
    100% agree. See relevant HN discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/ite...
    Simon Wenet
    It's surprising how many companies forget that the **value** of their product should be whatever they are innovating on... not their Auth client!
    Paul VanZandt
    Hey Nir - we're planning on integrating SSO as a free/base tier feature down the line so it's good to hear there's interest in doing that