Should you build with no-code or outsource?

Darragh Mc Kay
3 replies
I recently wrote about the pros and cons of building with no-code vs outsourcing development on our blog: I'm curious to know what the Product Hunt community thinks? Should you build with no-code our outsource to a dev shop?


Uma Venugopal
Imho, it depends on the complexity levels of your projects. For single-page applications sure no-code works great or even if you just want to focus on selling and Shopify can be useful. But if you're building in e-commerce or SaaS or fintech it's best to have the code and tech in house & proprietary.
Chirag Dodiya
I have been building for the past 10 years, both on traditional tech (ran an agency) and bubble development for the past 3 years. I think there is a right time for both prospects: 1st - If you are just starting out, and building your first prototype. Do it with No-Code. Ideally you want to build the landing page, first feature (which is the core of your business) on No-Code platforms like which is very powerful for almost all types of projects. You can learn it in a few weeks and build it yourself. 2nd - Once you reach a certain stage, let's say your first 100 customers. You know what you have in valuable. Then you can either continue on no-code with an outcsourced agency to take it to full build. Because honestly. I've built bubble app which can handle 100k users as well. Or engage a traditional tech company. Both options are open in this stage.
Darragh Mc Kay
@chirag_dodiya Great points! I think it also really depends on what you're trying to build. If it's a product, you should probably outsource, or indeed build in-house, but if it's an internal tool, or a CRM, I think you should strongly consider using a no-code tool (like Noloco)