Should we have customer testimonials on our official website?

Elena Cirera
35 replies


Fajar Siddiq
I use and it works perfectly with all amazing features fr
Customer testimonials work like referrals, convincing your visitors that they can rely on your business.
Kashif Ibraheem
Reading through client experiences is an invaluable source of information to help you understand what they expect from you. Reflecting on these insights can help you improve all aspects of your business.
Sidhdharth Sivasubramanian
Testimonials from the right persona will help the buyer empathize and click to buy your product!
Nader Rehaan M
Absolutely. Testimonials not only add credibility to your business, but also help promote the best features of your product - pushing your buyer's directly into the consideration stage of purchase.
Dawn Veltri
If you want to sell things, yes. Social proof sells.
Michael Silber
Our very own @5harath made Shoutout for this very purpose :-)
David J. Kim
There's no reason not to. But you gotta also be careful that it doesn't sound canned. You gotta let them use their own words. We made this mistake too, but in the early stage you have to remember that you are what the market says you are, so you need to let your customers describe your product so others can clearly see what you bring to the table.
Dhruv Bhatia
Yes, I'm curious to know why would you not?
Sharath Kuruganty
Absolutely. Social proof is the most important aspect of any website. Use the trust you gained from people who used your product to find more like-minded people. Check Shoutout, a product that makes it incredible easy!
Bryson M.
Definitely! It adds credibility and puts other people's experiences in front of your potential customers. Most people aren't early adopters and want to see someone else try something first.
Highly recommend for higher-priced products because the customer will do a ton of validation and trust-building prior to purchase. A video testimonial will be the best, but most difficult to capture (try for this). Incentivizing existing customers is the best way to do this, but it will take a lot of customer success work.
Kapil Gadhire
Of course, we should! :)
Style and Trends
I can't think of a reason not to.
Alex Leroy
Yes. It is realy important to make your product trust worthy
Jaskiran Kaur
Definitely, customer testimonials on the official website are a great way to showcase your company and its credibility.
Natalie Karakina
Definitely YES! Your testimonials are RTB (reason to believe). People hear people, then – brands
Jhon Albert
Yes, the website testimonial can help your site and business growth.
Agreeing with everyone here! Testimonials can definitely help :)