Sharing Side Hustle Launch Plans with 9-to-5 Colleagues: Chance or Risk?

Jonec Cndv
5 replies
As someone working a 9-to-5 job while developing a side business, I've been reflecting on the idea of sharing my product launch plans with my colleagues. I'm curious to hear from others in the Product Hunt community who have launched a side project or are currently working on one. Do you believe it's worth sharing your plans with coworkers, potentially gaining support, or could it create an unfavorable situation at your day job? In my case, I'm not in a high-performance business environment – quite the opposite, actually. I'm asking this because I'm planning a launch soon for an AI-assisted Crypto Community Tracker that helps crypto investors to stay informed about their favourite projects without having to scroll through countless messages daily. Since Crypto is also a controversial topic that has absolutely nothing to do with my 9 to 5 job, it's even more questionable. I genuinely want to hear about your experiences and any advice you might have when it comes to sharing your side hustle with your 9-to-5 colleagues. BTW, if you are interested to learn more about my product, drop me a follow. πŸ’™πŸ§‘


I've had mixed reactions. My peers are super excited to try out the things I work on but I have been told to try not to talk about it too much at work (especially with upper management). And like @skillprepare said below, I had to make sure to get my side hustle approved, so it is technically allowed but you want to be careful with how you look to management (e.g. will they have a bias against you now?)
Jonec Cndv
@skillprepare @eden_ghirmai Thank you! This is also what my concern is about.. I believe that this will subliminally impact my evaluation. I'm afraid that it will be cited every time I don't reach a goal.
@jns8cndv If I were to do it over again I'd probably just keep it between my peers and not let management know outside of my own manager. So keeping it within private channels with ICs only
Brandon Scott
Hey Jonec! Before sharing your ideas with co-workers, check your company handbook and/or ask a supervisor if you will be violating any company terms while pursuing this side business. Chances are (and by the way it sounds) they won't mind at all. But its best to double check and make sure before diving further. Best of luck!
Jonec Cndv
@skillprepare thank you for the advice! My side business was approved already two years ago that's why no one is really aware of it anymore. You are probably right but I am somehow quite negative about it or at least cautiously.