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Eliza Crescini
21 replies
Here's Mine: If you're interested in AI and digital Marketing. You can count me in! And also we will be launching soon, so stay tuned!


Marti F.R
I've been on Twitter for less than a week, and I'm still figuring out the platform's community dynamics. I'd love to discover interesting accounts to follow. I've noticed a lot of generic self-help content, so I'm looking for valuable ones. (Started following TrySlaby)
Ramit Koul
here's mine: Follow for AI and Tech content!
Eliza Crescini
@ramitkoul followed already! Please follow me here: thank you!
Ramit Koul
@eliza_crescini Thanks for following, and followed you back as well! Also, all the best for your upcoming launch :)
Ramit Koul
@eliza_crescini @saasensation @appxcite Also, a small request πŸ™, I have launched recently. Do show your support here: and post a review if you vibe with it:
Henry Habib
Hey, new to Twitter and still exploring the ropes. I'm into AI and no-code apps. Looking forward to connecting & good luck on your launch.
Here's Mine: Follow for Find the Perfect Prompt For Your Design