Share your streak!! On 156 days 🔥🔥

Brandon Scott
96 replies
It may be a small task, but maintaining a streak can help build consistency in your whole workload. Love starting the day with PH. Share your streak here! Consistency is the key to success!


Liz Worthy
28! 😻 I've been starting my days with PH too.
Brandon Scott
@lizworthy Congrats on your first month! I love starting the day with PH too :)
10 days haha
Frank Sondors
@lazyrico next milestone 100, mate!
@franksondors Yeah lets keep in touch in exactly 89 days haha
Frank Sondors
@lazyrico need to make each other accountable!
Brandon Scott
@lazyrico Nothing wrong with that! 10 days is still consistent. Keep it up !
Brandon Scott
@anusua_seal Almost a full month! Great job and keep it up!
Vincent Greco
@anusua_seal Your "Gone streaking 25" badge is coming soon!
Elizabeth Tishchenko
Not bad. Currently - 19, although had 57 when my activity miraculously wasn't recorded right on my birthday :) Probably cache... who knows :)
Vincent Greco
@nevemind_com Same issue. I was on on a 40+ trend but I drop to zero although I visited PH website. Probably I did not refresh the page *enough*...
Frank Sondors
@nevemind_com for me it nearly happened during my holiday this summer.
Brandon Scott
@nevemind_com Sorry to hear that! Hopefully it doesn't reset on your birthday again.
Simon Biasotto
Kudos dude!! Only 7 for me :/ is it really gonna stop the streak if I miss a single day? :D
Brandon Scott
@biasottosimon Thank you Simon! And yes, it'll really stop. I saw someone who had a 200+ day streak and missed it. Went back to 0 :/
Simon Biasotto
@rohit_kota oh mobile game strats lmao loving this tbh
Maksym Skrypka
21 days. I have only recently joined this wonderful community
Frank Sondors
@maksym_skrypka what's your biggest learning, Maksym?
Brandon Scott
@maksym_skrypka Welcome Maksym! Congrats on 21 days... Here's to many more!
Brandon Scott
@maksym_skrypka No problem! Wishing you all the best
Frank Sondors
Damn, 156! You're killin' it mate. I'm only on 103 and launching on Wednesday finally.
Brandon Scott
@franksondors Thank you Frank! 103 is impressive too! Also best of luck on your upcoming launch!
Daniel Hunt
About to reach my PB of 8 days again. Hoping to keep it longer this time 😂
Brandon Scott
@olenabomko 21 is great Olena! Keep it up, you got this :)
Divad Sanders
congrats Brandon! im on day 20.
Brandon Scott
@divad_sanders Thank you Divad! 20 is great! Keep going!
Brandon Scott
@timboulay Nice job Tim! That's some great consistency.
Brandon Scott
@kabir_haynes Everyone's gotta' start somewhere. Its not where we start, but where we're headed :)
Brandon Scott
@arlie_rutherford Almost have your first week complete. Great job and keep it up :)