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  • Share your most effective productivity hack

    Tymek Zapała
    20 replies
    And again, one of these days that I just have an endless to-do list... Do you have any productivity tips/hacks that works really well for you? For me, it's dividing the tasks into creative and uncreative ones. While I'm still full of energy and creativity, I do creative ones. After I ran out of fuel, I will just sit down and knock out uncreative tasks from the list one-by-one. Uncreative tasks, aka chores (like sending already prepared emails, cleaning up inbox, fixing bugs in my SaaS) don't require much creative thinking so they are perfect to do when I just don't feel like I can conquer the world. How about you?


    Complete your sleep. 7,8,9 hours. Whichever is the best. Trust me, it will help you immensely.
    @tymzap That's good to know, Tymek.
    Tymek Zapała
    @vaibhavdwivedi That's soo good advice. I've started to be what I consider productive after I fixed my sleep routine.
    Andreas Sohns
    One productivity hack that's worked wonders for me is using Gleans. It helps me organize and quickly access all my digital inspirations and knowledge in one place. It's saved me countless hours and keeps everything I need right at my fingertips.
    Tymek Zapała
    @andreas_sohns It sounds interesting, I'll take a look!
    Zaheer Khan
    I use the Pomodoro Technique. Working in 25 mins intervals with 5 mins breaks helps me stay focused and avoid burnout.
    Tymek Zapała
    @zaheer_khan6 Great that it works for you! Sometimes simplest solutions are the best.
    KC Onrade
    Time blocking works for me. Allocate and plot your time to whatever tasks you need to get done within the day. Also I would say, gauge your state of mind, if you feel like you're more creative on the first half of your day, take advantage of it. Usually for me, I start with mundane tasks and in the middle of the day or later, my creative juices are present -- that's when I work on the things that need my artistic and creative ideas.
    Tymek Zapała
    @k_onrade Yeah, pretty much my approach! Combining time blocking with strategically choosing tasks to do based on your state of mind works wonders.
    Steve Weatherby
    I limit my time on social media and non essentials app to stay focused on my work.
    Jordan bulk
    Keeping healthy snacks at my desk keeps my energy levels up and prevents distractions caused by hunger.
    Keira Stump
    Checking and responding to emails at set times rather than constantly throughout the day minimizes distractions.
    Keira Stump
    Keeping a notebook for jotting down ideas and tasks helps me stay organized and focused.
    Kimberly West
    Setting deadlines for tasks, even self-imposed ones, keeps me motivated and on track.
    Kimberly West
    Planning the next day’s tasks the night before helps me start my day with a clear focus.
    Kimberly West
    Starting my day early when it’s quiet and distraction-free allows me to get more done.
    Kimberly West
    Having quick stand-up meetings instead of long sit-down ones keeps discussions brief and productive.
    Mitchell Marshall
    Focusing on one task at a time rather than multitasking increases my efficiency and quality of work.
    Gurkaran Singh
    When my productivity hits a low, I switch gears like a Formula 1 car in a pit stop - tackling creative tasks on the straight and switching to uncreative tasks on the curve. It's like a Grand Prix for my to-do list!
    Owen Michael Donovan
    I'm a fan of timeboxing - setting aside a fixed block of time to focus intensely on a specific task or set of tasks without distractions. The time pressure helps me stay disciplined and productive. I also find that taking short breaks every 30-60 min to stretch, grab water, etc. helps me maintain my energy and focus over longer periods. Anyone else use timeboxing or have other hacks to share?