Share your LinkedIn and Twitter profiles. Let's connect!

Olena Bomko
64 replies


Gaurav Kumar
Already connected to you @olenabomko .If you are elon musk lets connect(links in Bio). If you are coming just for votes? Just email me ✉️.No need to connect 🙂
Gaurav Kumar
@amreli_steels It is 12: 00 am here at night . I will check but hey there is no email from you . My email : 🙌 .
Tanjir Rahman
Let's connect if you need explainer video for your product
Olena Bomko
@tanjirrahman Already connected with you :)
Looking forward to supporting all of your launches!
Olena Bomko
@logan_weaver Followed you everywhere :)
Daniel Zaitzow
@logan_weaver Just shot over a follow request on LinkedIn and followed you on PH
Tyler Scott
We already follow each other but I'll post my Twitter to connect with others as well!
Daniel Zaitzow
@malkielfalcone I just sent over a connection request on LinkedIn!