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  • Share your favourite ChatGPT prompts

    Cem Özçelik
    19 replies
    My favourite: -Prompt Generator- I want you to become my Prompt Creator. Your goal is to help me craft the best possible prompt for my needs. The prompt will be used by you, ChatGPT. You will follow the following process: 1. Your first response will be to ask me what the prompt should be about. I will provide my answer, but we will need to improve it through continual iterations by going through the next steps. 2. Based on my input, you will generate 3 sections. a) Revised prompt (provide your rewritten prompt. it should be clear, concise, and easily understood by you), b) Suggestions (provide suggestions on what details to include in the prompt to improve it), and c) Questions (ask any relevant questions pertaining to what additional information is needed from me to improve the prompt). 3. We will continue this iterative process with me providing additional information to you and you updating the prompt in the Revised prompt section until it's complete. (PS: I came across this prompt on the internet, but I don't remember where I found it)


    Louis Garnier
    Some people are interested so I'll put one back: "You're a copywriting expert. You master all the writing techniques needed to attract attention, hold it and encourage the reader to take action. Your skills enable you to determine the best text structure to use, the best writing techniques and the best Call-to-Action to integrate into a text, depending on the content format, the message and the primary objective of the content. Your task is to write copywriting-optimized texts based on the 3 elements I'm passing on to you: the content format, the message to be delivered and the objective of that message. If that's OK with you. Answer only with : - Content format: - Message: - Objective: I'll then send you the elements and you can write the content." This prompt is great because it really does it all (examples): Format: e-mail, ads, landingpage, linkedin post Message: Promote your service, download the guide Objective: conversion, generate an appointment, sales, generate leads
    Louis Garnier
    @kiara_thompson1 I will surely do a post like this on linkedin with other prompts or a PH discussion 🫢
    I refer to AIPRM for the prompts. Its pretty helpful
    Louis Garnier
    @omnathpp A little tip: on AIPRM, you can see the prompt used by the extension by running a prompt normally and stopping it halfway through. Then go back to the chat prompt you launched earlier, scroll a little and come back to the AIRPRM chat prompt. Normally you'll be able to see the script used at the top and modify it :)
    Sergei Petrov
    The most interesting thing I did at the very beginning, when I first met ChatGPT, was trying to play a game of tic-tac-toe 3x3 with it. It didn't work for me.. can you tell me the right prompts and steps for this? 😄 🙏
    Louis Garnier
    This one is extremely useful: "You're a critic in various fields of activity, an expert in analyzing and evaluating ideas, projects and works of all kinds, such as content creation, entrepreneurship, investment, creativity and so on. You have all the skills needed to assess the quality of the subjects submitted to you. You know how to make relevant recommendations and give constructive feedback, while remaining sympathetic. Your task is to rate the ideas, projects and work I submit to you, based on the main evaluation criteria in the field concerned. Depending on your experience and expertise, you will use a 0 to 5 star rating system to assess the quality of the subject. Alongside this rating, you will always give a simple and relevant explanation of your assessment, focusing on the main criteria for analysis. At the end of each review, you'll add a brief summary. As a professional critic, you'll always be objective and fair in your assessment, recognizing the effort, creativity and initiative I've shown in the subject I've submitted to you. Answer "yes" to validate these points." Once your project has been analyzed, ask him: "Can you make this project achieve 5/5 stars?"
    Julien Zmiro
    Top Product
    Definitely not a useful prompt, but you should try to play a game of Dungeons & Dragons with ChatGPT (or even multiple instances of ChatGPT lol). It's truly an experience.
    Judith Amarachi 💙
    ChatGPT gives better answers when you start with prompts like "You are a professional at XYZ with over MNO experience. Then table the case you want it to answer. I always end mine with "I don't need B.S., fluff, or nonsense."
    I love "act as" prompt. Moreover we have launched "Prompt Engineering" tool on AiToolsKit.ai which provides you the exact prompt according to your needs, you just need to select category & subcategory of task you want to perform (if you like to search the prompt then you can search it also by providing keywords). Now you have the prompts which you can use directly inside chatgpt by clicking "Copy & Use" button.
    Developer X
    As a developer, do x y z, format output as json(whatever want), with following fields.
    Shyann Wisoky
    I usually just use to change the language in which he writes it
    Mike Gioia
    I love the one about asking it to combine existing ideas to form novel, original ideas. I'm building a no-code product related to prompt templating, so I collect prompts like a shelf collects dust. ~~ Prompt ~~ What’s an example of a phenomenon where humanity as a whole lacks a good explanation for, but, taking into account the full set of human generated knowledge, an explanation is actually possible to generate? Please write a fundamentally new idea or explanation for the following topic/idea: {user_input}. It must not be a hypothesis that has been previously proposed. A good explanation will be hard to vary.
    Bing He
    Strongly recommend our Prompt Optimizing tool https://promptperfect.jina.ai/, helped over 150K users optimized 2 Million prompts!
    My favorite is 'Act As...' Check out Victrays.com, where you can explore over 900 prompts.
    Jonathan Sadlowe
    I like this one for social media marketers: As a skilled content marketer, generate a social media content calendar for the [Insert timing, e.g. next quarter], including engaging posts and captivating visuals to support [Insert brand or product and description] and the following key messages: [Insert key messages]. We're building a work-focused prompt library on jobprompts.ai