Share your favorite AI tools!

Jose Rodríguez
63 replies
You can find a list for ai productivity tools here: And top one for productivity here: And a list of everything on AI:


kan pocha
My favourite is Chat GPT
Matteo Magliozzi
@kan_pocha Mine too. it's so powerful. Anyway, we're launching our new product in 5 hours, Shockwave! Your support is crucial for the success of the project on PH; a follow would be perfect!
Nostec Lift
Hey, My Favourite AI tool is ChatGPT Yet. Can you suggest another one?
Fabian Maume
FoxyApps! It is realy useful to build lead magnets.
Neel Patel
For sure! I love using ChatGPT and Perplexity. Building my own AI tool under SyncSignature that is coming soon :)
Matteo Magliozzi
@neelptl2602 Congrats! We're launching our new product in 5 hours, Shockwave! Your support is crucial for the success of the project on PH; a follow would be perfect!
Marie-Philippe Leblanc
I have to promote my baby here 🥺 AI generated workflow automations Also, we're launching soon on PH: (
Jose Rodríguez
@mplebl just notified. its like zapier central or kissflow?
Marie-Philippe Leblanc
@stan8086 Yes, in the same lines. It’s no code, but also no drag & drop. It’s easier and quicker as the workflows are generated by AI. It’s really focused on admin tasks.
Marie-Philippe Leblanc
@matteo_magliozzi At the moment we are creating workflows according to out beta testers! Those are the integration we are putting more time & effort in. The goal is for it to work seamlessly with any interface the user needs.
Chris Liam
I use ChatGpt and Blainy and they are my most favorite tools for content writing.
Brian Perez
It's really useful and I am using Chat GPT
Marienelle Cano
My top most AI tools is Chat GPT, For me it's the smartest! But can you suggest more?
Business Marketing with Nika
Grammarly for checking my "super" English :D and ChatGPT.
Matteo Magliozzi
@busmark_w_nika I used Grammarly for a while, but it started to send me too many pop-ups for the subscription, so I had to delete it. Anyway, we're launching our new product in 5 hours, Shockwave! Your support is crucial for the success of the project on PH; a follow would be perfect!
Business Marketing with Nika
@matteo_magliozzi :D yeah, they targeted you as a possible customer :D can you share the launch link? :)
Milli Sen
Perplexity, Zapier, ChatGPT, Gemini, ClickUp
Matteo Magliozzi
@millisen You've just introduced me to a couple I didn't know, I'll have to dive in a bit more to understand them better, but nice tip, thanks. Anyway, I'm launching a product here on Product Hunt in a few hours. It's not focused on AI but on social media marketing with the creation of gamified campaigns and social farming. I think it might interest you. It would be important for us to have your support, just a simple like on the page! Thank you, and have a great day. I've also checked the website of which you're the CEO, but it won't open. Are there any issues with the platform?
Milli Sen
@matteo_magliozzi I've turned on the notifications for Shockwave. Thanks for checking us out. I checked the sites and they work fine for me. Here you go: buildparadigm .com | getprimestream .com /prime-stream
Matteo Magliozzi
@millisen Thank you for the notification! Ah, it didn't work because the spelling of the site was incorrect; you should put the lowercase first letter so that a copy and paste doesn't cause an error. Nice site now that I see it; the palette is what I would like to use for mine at my agency, and I can see that you are a productized agency too with an AI team. But are there people who help with AI or full developers/engineers?
Absolutely, Jose! My top pick is GPT-4 by OpenAI; it's incredibly versatile and can assist with anything from coding to composing music.
Hossein Yazdi
Mine is, as it features literally all the LLM AI chatbots in one place! :)
Matteo Magliozzi
@hosseinyazdi The UX interface looks very well-done, and the logo is also very nice. I'm also launching my product here on Product Hunt in a few hours! I would be grateful if you could support us! Just a follow to the page, thank you! Text TO IMAGE AI allows more and easier control of image generation AI. Use DALLE-3, During the testing phase, there is no need to log in for free use
Matteo Magliozzi
@new_user___1012024bcdb0bfb08f38d4c I've upvoted. I'm the second one, and I hope my support is helpful. If you had worked more on the interface, you could have made the product more attractive, but anyway, it's a tool that is becoming very popular. You'll surely find potential customers; it's important to set the subscription price lower than the major competitors. I'm also launching my product in a few hours. I would be grateful if you could support us too! Just a follow to the page, thank you!
have to promote my tool which I've been working on for a while now.. somewhat of a lifelong passion project as someone who was once a struggling creator: (
Deshraj Singh
@yukioyama I'm all in! Let's connect on LinkedIn and discuss further.
Pooja Jyothy-Seshadri
I'm biased towards Narrato 😅 ( We've honestly built such a great product over the years, with features for sooo many use-cases! We're also launching our AI bulk content generator soon in case anyone's interested in checking us out 😉
David strc
The directory is cool. I am using many products form the above shared.
Matteo Magliozzi
@david_strc You're doing well! I noticed you're a marketing manager. I'm launching my product here on Product Hunt in 5 hours. It's a social media marketing platform, which should be great for your line of work. If you'd like to join us, please give the page a follow. Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Sarwagya Singh
My New Project Kabir Can Be Helpful To A Lot Of People Hopefully, It's A friendly and knowledgeable AI assistant dedicated to safeguarding your online security.With a mission to ensure everyone feels safe and secure in their online interactions,It is designed to be accessible and easy to use for users of all technical backgrounds You can find it on product hunt -
Matteo Magliozzi
@0xsarwagya Good luck with your product, I've followed it! I'm also launching mine in 5 hours, and I hope you'll support us too!
We are launching Chandlerai. Please give us your support. thanks