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  • Seeking Support on Serverless Infrastructure 😳

    Roger Mendoza
    8 replies
    AWS, Google, Azure are expensive. I am trying Digital Ocean now. I just hate to refract my code again. 🙃 Does anyone use serverless for their apps?


    Aleksa Tešić
    We are completely serverless, so if you have any questions, do let me know!
    Roger Mendoza
    @imafikus Do you see a difference in pricing on the serverless side? Thanks for helping.
    Roger Mendoza
    @imafikus What serverless function platform do you use?
    Roger Mendoza
    @imafikus for example Sagemaker took me by surprise to be running some of our functions..however it is not serverless..it is on a spot instance…Lambda we will be trying on Aws..to see if we can off load some of that work. Pricing compared to an always on instance or spot instance.
    Aleksa Tešić
    @roger_mendoza1 Well, rule of thumb is that if you'll be running your functions non-stop, then you probably need a dedicated instance and not a serverless function. Since it will be cheaper
    Aleksa Tešić
    @roger_mendoza1 Everything is on Google Cloud either as cloud run or as a cloud function