Seeking Suggestions on Improving Reviews on PH & Chrome Web Store.

Konok Nazmul
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Dear Hunters, As a community dedicated to excellence, we're eager to gain valuable tips and strategies from experts like you. At ReplyMind, we've been fortunate to garner a commendable user base with over 800 Chrome extension users since its launch on 28th August this year, a significant portion being paid subscribers. Yet, we find ourselves with a mere 14 reviews on the Chrome Web Store. Similarly, on Product Hunt, with a following of over 800, we've accumulated only 16 reviews. We're seeking suggestions on how to increase our review numbers on these platforms. Our goal is to leverage the expertise of this vibrant community to refine our approach and encourage more user feedback. What strategies have you found effective in stimulating reviews? Your valuable insights could shape our journey forward. Looking forward to your invaluable suggestions!
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