Seeking Product Hunters' Insights: Validate the Future of Creativity with PromptG

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We're thrilled to introduce an idea we believe could revolutionize the way we approach creativity and innovation. Imagine a platform that transforms the abstract into the tangible - PromptG. With over 1 million prompts across 37 categories, it's designed to spark creativity and streamline the ideation process for writers, marketers, educators, and more. But before we dive deeper, we need YOUR insights: Would a vast library of prompts tailored to specific needs interest you? How valuable do you find the concept of prompt chaining for developing ideas? Are tailored prompts for specific professions a feature you’d use? How often would you use a bookmarking feature for your favorite prompts or conversations? The idea of initiating conversations around prompts - is it something that would enhance your creative process? Let’s validate this together! Share your thoughts, and let's make creativity limitless with
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