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  • SearchGPT vs Google

    Cem Özçelik
    27 replies
    OpenAI announced the prototype of SearchGPT yesterday: you can take a look here: https://openai.com/index/searchgpt-prototype/ How do you think the impact of SearchGPT will be? Will the giant Google really be toppled?


    Abhishek Dutta
    This will turn out to be a great competition between Google open AI and perplexity. Looking forward to how these companies are going to compete against each other and give the best possible experience to the customer. Google has held this position for quite a while because of its search and overall ranking optimisation, and a lot of tools started. It gives to developers for tracking various kinds of metrics and eventually making your pages better for their search results. So it will be interesting to see how Open AI is going to solve these issues ai later point of time.
    Philippe Denier
    I think searching AI generated content with AI will start to produce worse and worse results pretty soon. Probably for sales, most activity will move towards smaller social networks
    charles shiro
    search gpt is to supplement chatgpt content is not timely, and want to be able to make good relations with a lot of media with content to do this product. Priority content is out of co-operation.
    Oh, wow. It definitely can't take out Google that easily but they making it a reality is a signal for them, for sure.
    Rini Amell
    Search gpt awesome
    SearchGPT aims to provide faster and more relevant answers with clear sources, potentially improving search efficiency compared to traditional methods.
    Annie Engelhardth
    We came across SearchGPT and are really curious about its potential. If it can deliver more accurate and concise answers than Google, it could be a big deal.
    Muhammad Hassan
    Search GPT
    The discussion contrasts SearchGPT's AI-driven approach with Google's established search engine capabilities, questioning how well the new tool competes with Google's extensive infrastructure.
    When ChatGPT can't solve my problem, I usually turn to Google. Therefore, if SearchGPT becomes available, my usage of Google would drop significantly. I believe SearchGPT could have a substantial impact on Google.
    Zachary Ferioli
    I think it will take ages for OpenAI to take out Google, if it even ever happens.
    Samantha Den
    SearchGPT offers a fresh approach to searching with AI-driven answers and real-time information. While Google is deeply established
    Steve Troy
    SearchGPT could disrupt the market to some extent, but Google’s entrenched position might keep it as the leading search engine for now.
    Daksh Tyagi
    @cem_ozcelik SearchGPT sounds super cool! It could shake things up, but Google is a tough giant to topple. Can't wait to see how it plays out. 🍿
    Greffin Dony
    SearchGPT's innovation is promising but will need more proof to rival Google’s dominance in the search market.
    Zoya Shah
    When comparing SearchGPT vs. Google, SearchGPT offers conversational responses and personalized interactions, while Google provides comprehensive search results and vast information retrieval. Both have unique strengths depending on your needs. Enhance your marketing efforts with GoPromotional, offering a range of customizable products for effective branding. Whether for events or giveaways, GoPromotional high-quality items ensure your logo remains visible and impactful, making them an ideal choice for memorable marketing.
    Bira Jung
    GPT search is better in my opinion
    Ekaterina Adamovich
    I am wondering how that would affect SEO. I'm not really clear about how this can play out yet, but it's definitely one to watch 🔥
    Khusnul Khotimah
    Woww it will be great