SASSA Status Checking 2024:

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As of December 15, 2023, at 13:50, the Social Relief of Distress Grant (SRD Grant) is designed for South African Citizens, Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Special Permit Holders aged between 18 and 60. It's for those who lack sufficient means, do not receive other social grants or UIF payments, and have no financial support from elsewhere. SASSA status checking is a tool for SASSA applicants and recipients to verify their SRD grant application and payment status online. If you've applied for the SRD 350 Grant and are waiting for updates, you can use this tool. It's also for current grant applicants to confirm their upcoming payment status and dates. If your application is approved, you can use the SASSA status checker to see when your first payment is due. This service is exclusive to South African citizens who have either applied for the grant or are already receiving SASSA social grants.
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