Safari or Chrome? What’s your favourite?

67 replies


Tarun Asnani
I have seen people using the Edge browser, but I don't get it! PS really want to try Arc but it's not on Windows
Alexander Galitsky
Internet Explorer forever
Sergei Anosov
Acr for sure. my best browser ever)
Yura Turivny
@volk13 What do you like most?
Oleg Naumenko
For me Safari seems to be faster, so I stick to it
Umar Saleem
I prefer Chrome at the moment. But I am looking for better options like Brave. as chrome ad blocker extensions are not working with YouTube. So I have started using Brave as well.
Yura Turivny
Chrome. Anybody tried Arc?
Safari by default, Chrome for those temperamental websites that can't handle a little Safari action.
Agnieszka Rybij
Chrome. Idk why but safari sometimes gets stuck on my macbook and just doesn't work until I turn the laptop off and on again 🙄 super annoying
Rok Bozic
First thing that I installed after buying a new mac was Chrome:)
Igor Lysenko
I use Google Chrome more.
Steve Liu
As a web developer, I like Chrome far more than Safari for its superior adherence to web standards. Safari and Firefox gave me headaches on many edge cases and missing features.