Roast our landing page 🍳πŸ”₯

Andrew πŸ’₯
4 replies
Without further re-do or disclaimers check out our landing and tell us what do you think: πŸ‘‰ No hard feelings for raw feedback - we are trying to improve how easy it is to understand what you can do on our website and improve user journey towards hiring your first expert. Thanks to this awesome community πŸ™


Julian Paul
Perfect! I was actually planning on doing one of my full brand audits on twitter today for your project! It will include landing page comments and feedback as well! Will publish on @ itsjulianpaul πŸš€
Julian Paul
And the brand audit is up! Check it out here:
Dimitris Karavias
Hey Andrew! Some great people right there :D So there's nothing inherently bad about the page but job boards are a crowded space so you need to stand out. With that in mind, a few thoughts: 1. Nocode is a means to an end- a group of unrelated technologies which most clients probably don't care much about (unless you know they do? I'd love to hear any info you have on what people search for). So why not focus more on the kind of problems these people solve? 2. I think you'd be better of standardizing titles because it will be very difficult to search in the future. 3. I personally consider years of experience irrelevant. Also, are you going to manually update them all every year? Why not own and have a clearly defined Junior/Mid/Senior ranking system based on the clients perspective: Junior: Can implement a project with guidance & well defined objectives Mid: Can build a defined project with minimal guidance, provides some feedback to the client about the objectives Senior: Guides the client, takes them from abstract idea to high-level objectives to implementation, can manage juniors/mid-level colleagues if the project is big enough