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  • Roast my landing page πŸ—

    Frank Sondors
    24 replies
    We've launched https://www.salesforge.ai a few weeks back and I would appreciate it if you could give me candid feedback about the website.


    Elizabeth Tishchenko
    You've asked ;) 1 - 10x. Seriously? Going the same route as others. 10x better, faster, stronger... But probably somebody is still buying in :) 2 - "Scale your email outreach via unlimited sending accounts, warm up and built in personalization powered by AI to drive reply rate" - too long and too difficult to understand. Make it clear and simple. Use fewer words. That's what you have feature description for to elaborate but not squeeze everything in a single one-liner. 3 - IMO features description should be on top as the second section, not the benefits. The first question user has: "What is it about?" Then "How does it work?" then "Why is it for me?" then "Why should I trust you guys", etc. 4 - Feature description should have some product snippets if possible or better visual representation. I still haven't got what you are building, to be honest. Minor: 1 - give the top of your homepage a bit more space - it's so dense! 2 - alignment of pricing blocks. Ofc you want to show that growth is much better, but it just doesn't look neat. A purple flag and order already do the job.
    Mukhil Maran
    @elizabeth_tischencko Absolutely loved it. Can you also please share your thoughts and insights on our landing page - https://www.klamp.io/klamp-lite @profy17 I know it's wrong to make use of the comment section as discussion place. I just couldn't withhold the anxiety seeing her analysis. Sorry and thanks for the space here :)
    Elizabeth Tishchenko
    @profy17 @mukhil_maran Sure thing. The flow is actually good. Loved the "Not another Zapier part" - that was exactly in my head till I scrolled there. Question here if all 5 points are about that? 1 - I would suggest in the feature list focus only on the essential part of the visual that is being described. I know for simplicity's sake you just made a GIF of your app, but when a visitor sees so much text it's overloading, they won't know where actually to look at. You can record only part of the screen or just quickly draw it in Figma. Example: Revert => just a tile of an automation action + toggle next to it (or dropdown as you have it) For the schedule just show a calendar with the button, or so. You can instead feature the entire UI at the top of the page. People RARELY read feature descriptions. Visuals should be clear there. 2 - Feature tiles are way too long. Make them brief - in a single line. Encryption is a good example. 3 - Not sure if 5000 actions and a small price underneath is intentional to not score people off, but pricing usually being put in bold and the largest font. As you have it on Pricing page is okay :) Minor: 1 - In the banner in the Popular Apps section one app is empty (I bet u put the white logo there) 2 - Also give a bit more spacing in the Feature section, they are clogged up one next to another. 3 - Our Solutions dropdown text is so long. You can definitely be briefer for those 2 options
    I wanted to roast you but I don't have anything bad to say. I honestly love your landing page πŸ™ˆ
    Parham Alimardanian
    The website is nice, clean, and informative. It's good that you have included a testimonial. The only thing that catches my eye is the pricing page. I think it would be better if the two boxes were aligned vertically (I'm being too picky BTW)
    Ekrem Γ‡etinkaya
    I cannot understand if the "Frank" pop-up on the bottom right is fake or not. In both cases, why would the head-shot cut-off is not centered :) Jokes aside, it looks really nice overall.
    It looks great, tbh. Some thoughts though: 1) The sub-title in the hero section can be split into two lines for a better reading experience. Similarly, look into other content as well as I only skimmed the page. 2) Personalize at scale - not aligned with the other two sections. 3) Images can be worked out to give more context. 4) Not sure what the "supported" section means. If it's important, it can be brought up, probably right below the hero section as it features some renowned names.
    Shaur ul Asar
    Hey@profy17 ! I took a look at your landing page, and here's my honest feedback: First of all, kudos on the sleek design and clean layout. The overall aesthetic is visually appealing and easy to navigate. The use of vibrant colors and high-quality images is attention-grabbing. One suggestion I have is to make the value proposition more prominent. Clearly communicate the unique benefits or solutions your product offers right at the top of the page. This will capture visitors' attention and quickly convey why they should choose your product.
    Mukhil Maran
    @profy17 The page looks neat and clean. Overall, may I know why you have set that font type? Is it aligned to your product UI? Because, generally, Roboto family font is used for websites. I especially loved the 'Request a feature' in Footer. These are minor things I found which may be useful for you: 1. The content and icon sizes of the section below the Hero section can be aligned equally 2. 'Protect your email deliverability' section's content has to be looked at. I think there is a few grammar mistakes. And, you can put the question first (which will increase the visitor's intention to know the answer for that question) and then your statement following that. 3. Not sure what the 'Supported by' section refers to. If it's customers part, you can place it right below the Hero section. It increases the credibility much more..
    Frank Sondors
    @mukhil_maran appreciate the feedback. I thought about using Roboto, but then everybody uses them, so decided to steer away and use another font to try and stand out. Do you think it looks odd or? Request a feature - yeah feel strongly about building a product based on user feedback from day zero! :) Appreciate the 3 main points for us to look into. Will work on that 😎
    The website really looks nice with the color contrast going on. Just one suggestion is to reduce your sub-title in the hero section; it is long, which is making it difficult to read!
    Frank Sondors
    @vaishali_rastogi thanks and I agree! Need to find a way to split it out nicely. Our problem is we're building something relatively complex, which does a few things. Will work on it next week πŸ™
    Carl Brook
    Looks pretty good to me! Couldn't say anything bad about that!
    Frank Sondors
    @carl_brook appreciate having a look at it, Carl! To be honest, when I look at it, I see no issues but I know there are critical things that need to be fixed and something that only others can spot.
    Elissa Craig
    What a way to get people to click!!! Love the animations at the top. Everything looks great! The only thing I would consider changing is removing line dividers and having one consistent background color (but that's also just a personal preference!)
    Ankit Solanki
    feels like a 4chan page to attract old people
    Good effort. Getting a professional designer to take a look at the site and make some changes would definitely help. 1. Landing page first section feels a bit cluttered 1. Icons - Standardize them - colors, size etc 2. Pricing plan - Use same box sizes You can hire a good designer on upwork or freelancer to do a design review :)