Releasing in 11 days -> Get on the Brain Break! Trivia Train
Greg Cohler
4 replies
Hi all,
In 11 days, a new game will hit the scene; a game focused on making educational experiences more engaging and totally accessible.
My app Brain Break! provides knowledge to those who seek it.
Brain Break!’s AI-capabilities empowers its users to create engaging games for themselves, friends, students, etc.
While working with educators, UX designers, and close friends, we truly managed to bring out the elegant shine that Brain Break!’s players might appreciate.
So enjoy it, create custom games, share your games, play other people’s games, and, most importantly, take a break.
TL;DR: New game coming June 28th on this platform. Stay up to date here
I am looking forward to hearing your applications of Brain Break!
Founder of Verdeloom

Dave Lavinsky@dave_lavinsky
Sounds great. Good luck with the launch @greg_cohler I will be sure to support you!
@dave_lavinsky Thank you Dave. Let’s connect. Do you have LinkedIn?
@dave_lavinsky Got it. Let’s chat prior to June 28th. If you have time I would love to get you early access to test it
@greg_cohler I just sent you a connection on LI.