Quick question to all founders out here - How do you handle the pre-launch jitters and anxiety? πŸ˜“

Vlad Burca
2 replies
I'm genuinely looking for advice, strategies, tips, or any help to cope with overwhelming pressure.


Tornike Tsiramua
Vlad, That's a really good question. We also had this moment. Our big mistake was that we were very inexperienced and trying to launch an "ideal" product. With all features. As a result, it took lots of time, money, and energy. My suggestion would be to launch a simple, one or two features, that will solve at least one problem. Collect feedback, and then add some more features. I hope it will help.
@tornike_tsiramua1 thanks for the advice πŸ™ That's exactly what we're trying to do now. We've launched two days ago, and trying to collect feedback. :D