Quick question - Do you find reddit communities helpful for asking for support on your PH launch?

Saloni Jain
14 replies
Please share a few communities to join dedicated for the PH supports.


Andreas Sohns
Reddit communities can really helpful for getting support on your PH launch.
Saloni Jain
@andreas_sohns can you share a fee communities link/name. It will be very helpful.
Jagrati Gupta
Well, most communities don't allow asking for support through individual posts. In this case, if you keep making such posts, you will eventually be banned for life by Reddit. Some communities conduct weekly threads where you can ask for support, but your comment mostly gets lost in the huge number of responses. Personally, Reddit hasn't been of much help.
Saloni Jain
@jagrati_gupta Oh, this is very helpful & saves me a lot of time. Do you have any alternative platform/community you have found helpful?
Jagrati Gupta
@saloni_jain10 Twitter is a much better option. Indie Hackers is also helpful once you gain traction. And of course, there's Product Hunt! :D
Jagrati Gupta
@sarahthemarketer DMs, posting regularly about relevant topics, asking questions & doing polls can help gain an audience.
Launching soon!
Reddit communities can be incredibly helpful for launching a product, as you can tap into a diverse range of perspectives and expertise. Some great communities to join for support on your Product Hunt launch include r/ProductLaunch, r/Entrepreneur, and r/Startups. These communities are filled with valuable insights and feedback that can help you navigate the complexities of a launch successfully.
Saloni Jain
@solyou This is extremely helpful. Thanks πŸ™
Kovid Batra
Not just Reddit but Twitter too.
Nisha Mishra
Reddit communities is very helpful for launching a PH(Product Hunt).
Thomas Hansen
Reddit communities can be valuable for gathering feedback and support, especially if you engage genuinely and provide value. However, it’s crucial to follow community guidelines and avoid overly promotional posts to maintain credibility.