Productivity hacks for remote teams

Olivia Young
23 replies
Hello everyone! Staying What's your top productivity hack for remote work? Share your tips and let's get more done together


Kexin Liu
Great question! For remote teams, productivity can be boosted with several key strategies. Establish clear communication channels to ensure everyone stays informed and connected. Encourage the use of productivity tools for task management, time tracking, and collaboration. Implement a structured daily schedule to provide a balance between work and personal life. Promote a culture of trust and autonomy, where employees are given the freedom to work in their own style within set deadlines. Lastly, foster continuous learning and development opportunities to keep the team motivated and engaged. These hacks can help maintain high productivity levels in a remote work environment.
1) Try to stay connected in a virtual place like Gather. Gives a sense of being together on the same page with the team and easy to catch up then and there. 2) Do daily scrum with the whole team so everyone knows what's happening. Or at least do once in a week. 3) Gamify the work. Incentivize people for better work. But make sure that it doesn't backfire.
Olivia Young
@senthil99nathanI think these suggestions are great! I will implement to help keeping the team engaged and motivated while we're working remotely.
Jay and Lucy
Huge advocate for daily standups! Setting time aside to meet lets everyone know what others are doing, allows for impromptu collaboration and gives some space for light catch up and banter, which is always a great way to connect.
Olivia Young
@ctrl_alt_launch I completely agree with you! Daily standups are such a great way to keep everyone in the loop, encourage collaboration, and even allow for some casual catch-ups and banter, which is always a fantastic way to build connections within the team. I'm a huge advocate for this approach as it helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page and fosters a sense of camaraderie among team members.
André J
Launching soon!
No day is the same when remoting. Stay as async as possible. Focus on happiness. Always revisit the question about happiness. we only have 1 life so it matters.
Olivia Young
@sentry_co Can't agree more!We only have one life to live, so it's important to make it count and do what makes us happy.
Jingbo Shang
Turn on the video during the meeting :D
Make a detailed plan and supervise its implementation
Draw the boundary between work and life
dongsheng sun
Turn on the video during the meeting :D
Well, as a founder who's been known to wear pajamas during Zoom meetings (don't worry, I keep it professional waist-up), my top productivity hack for remote work is simple - embrace the chaos! Seriously though, one of the best things you can do is establish clear communication channels. We use Slack and have different channels for different projects. It keeps everything organized and ensures no one misses any important updates. Also, don't underestimate the power of virtual coffee breaks or happy hours. They're great ways to maintain team morale and ensure everyone feels connected even when we're miles apart. And lastly, remember that your home office is still an office. So make sure it's a space where you can focus on work without too many distractions... like cats walking across your keyboard in the middle of a presentation (yes, that happened). Stay productive folks! And remember: sweatpants are perfectly acceptable work attire when working from home.
Timely communication within the team is very important.
Establish a routine: Set a daily schedule and stick to it. This helps create a sense of structure and routine, making it easier to stay productive.